Well, the high from graduation didn't last long. BarBri started Monday (our bar review course). SO I had that 6 hours a day every day last week. Except Tuesday, when I skipped out early to take care of things at work, and Thursday, which was a "testing day" (I just took it at home)

Friday night M's dad and his girlfriend were on their way through the cities heading to Wisconsin, so we entertained them on the deck.
Saturday we woke up to this:
And that is what it did all. damn. day. SO, we did a lot of this:
(my neck scratches are paralyzing)
and some more of this.
and more of this.
We then headed down into the bunker (the man cave) and I read 50 Shades of Grey (holllyyyy smutty) and TJ spent 90% of the night (from 6:00-midnight) right here:
He'd roll around, stomp off to explore, but for the most part stayed put. Except a short period when he hopped up to his throne to survey the land:

He LOVES the window up there, and it's always impressive to watch him make the leap from couch to window. I love watching him coil into a little spring and release.
Sunday (today) was sunny and in the 90s here. Oof. So what better way to beat the heat than to hit the water! We went to Independence Lake (near Maple Plain, for those familiar with the area), it's about 20 minutes from our house. M had done some research Friday and discovered you can rent a row boat for $4 for a half hour. So, we did just that. I'd be lying if I said things went PERFECTLY according to plan. We got the row boat, but M rowed it the wrong way out to where he wanted to fish (backwards), apparently neither of us are very knowledgeable rowers but you'd think we could've figured out to point the tip forward. He had some NASTY blisters on his hands too, because he went quite a ways away from the landing. He did this for 2 hours:
While I did this:
I posted on Instagram (kellybea14) that I had bought 50 Shades of Grey to see what all the fuss was about. Whoa nelly, the book delivers. Now, time for me to baby-rant. I saw some crap on Twitter from people saying things like "OMGOSH I can't believe THIS is bestselling fiction, it's not even written that well, and OMGOSH her name is ANASTASIA STEELE it's so cheesy, and OMGOSH it's so sexual!".... a) I don't think anybody ever claimed it was a Pulitzer piece, b) appreciate it for what it is. It's a smutty romance novel and lastly c) after buying it (knowing FULL WELL what it was about) and seeing "Erotic Romance" stamped on the back I sort of question who these people are who didn't know what it was going to be about. Alas, despite the raunchy sex scenes, there's something about the way it is written that DOES really draw you to these characters.. by 100 pages in, when she would see Christian Grey or talk to him and she described the way her heart lurched, I FELT it myself. Pretty intense. I'm starting Book #2 tonight! I also know I'm late to the party on these (although to be fair I feel like I HEARD of them pretty early... at least earlier than the Hunger Games which I still have not read) but the reason I wait/don't read them right away is precisely because of what happened yesterday: I bought the book at like 1:30, and finished it today by 2:00. I read 350 pages in 6 hours and the remainder in 2 today. I kind of feel the pressure to finish the 2nd one today/tomorrow so I can rip into the third one before BarBri gets too in depth. oof. And here M expressed concern that wedding planning would be the thing that causes me to fail the bar exam... nope. Just your run of the mill erotic novel.My law school friend Dana (we'll just call her Dana from here on out, mkay?! On account we graduated and all) is coming over in an hour to grill. I can't get over the fact that we have another FULL DAY of nothing tomorrow. It's been a fantastically leisure-filled weekend.
P.s.: M's mom gave us an old trunk that we're thinking of using for a coffee table. Stay tuned for a before and after, once we paint it (likely tomorrow!)
awe love your kitty!! what a little soul! i have 2 cats myself! im obsessed! my name is Kelly too!! cute blog, new follower!