Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Labor Day weekend....finally.

Weekend recaps are okay as long as you can still "round down" to last weekend.. right? I figure Wednesday night is safe. I suppose most of you won't read this until Thursday, which makes me lame, but whatever. I totally forgot M had a LIVE fantasty draft last night... not to be confused with the auction draft from Monday night.. which means he bogarted the computer yet again. 

Moving on, I'm here to finally share some photos from this past weekend! 

We took a half day of work Friday and headed up to Perham, MN... about 3 hours northwest from Minneapolis.  Friday night we hung out, ate steak & corn, and drank by the bonfire. 

Saturday morning the girls went for a walk, while the guys fished. We came back, and hung out by the lake... and threw the ball for the dog(s). Mostly, Nina, the golden retriever (she's a white golden).
 Kirby the chihuahua kept his distance. 

 We stayed at M's friend Brian's cabin. He has a cabin that's about 100 yards off the lake, and also owns an empty lot between his place and the lake itself. In addition, our friend Shannon's family has a cabin right next to Brian's lot. Basically it formed a giant backwards L. So, we spent most of our time down at the lake on the empty lot and at Shannon's cabin.

Brian's puppy Max got tired of getting beat by Nina, so he'd lay in the grass and "hide" and then spring up and freak out when Nina brought the ball back. It was entertaining to say the least.

Another couple friend of ours arrived around 2, and we headed 20 minutes away to Detroit Lakes, MN. DL, as its called, is also home to the famed "WeFest" country music festival in early August. Tis quite the gong show. Brian's grandparents have a boat on the lake, so we took it out to DL's version of "big island" (which is on Lake Minnetonka- and is actually not an island at all, but a bunch of boats anchored out "gettin loud all summer looonnnngggg"-- as Rodney Atkins would say [get it? Red Neck Yacht Club?,..moving on.])

We sat, we chatted, drank, played frisbee in the water, listened to country music.. it was the quintessential "Minnesota summer Saturday" 

Afterward we went to Zorbaz in Detroit Lakes. Apparently, living in MN and having never been to a Zorbaz before is like, blasphemy. They're mexican/pizza restaurants located on several lakes (and lakes only) in northern MN. 

Half the table: Shannon, Jordan, Brett & Gretchen, (from L-R.)

annnddd our half of the table: Andrea (wearing Brady's T-shirt), Brady, Brian, Eve, me, M (from L-R). 

Sunday we had breakfast at a cafe in town, and then lounged around at the cabin for the morning. We headed over to Paul Lake (yes, that's 3 different lakes in one weekend, for those who are keeping track) to one of Brian's family friends' and played volleyball. We headed out to make our tee-time back by Brian's house. 

and when I say "make our tee time" I mean, I cruised around in the cart and read a book.

Don't get me wrong.. I golfed for about 7 years.. until my dad gave my clubs to my brother. I also only have the patience for about 9 or 10 holes, and anything over a Par 3 I get frustrated with because I don't have the power to drive it and get anywhere close to par. Therefore, I avoided the frustration. At about hole 9 I decided to drive the cart... which was a total blast. I love tooling around in a golf cart. 

For a small town golf course, it was really beautiful. 

We went to Zorbaz in Perham for dinner again so we wouldn't have to clean, and M ate himself sick. 


He laid on the ground and moaned for about 20 minutes when we got home. M pulled through, I fell asleep on the couch at 9:30 while the others played cards. We were in bed by 10:30. Wild weekend, folks. :P It's okay, I much prefer laid back. 

and THERE IT IS. Labor day, 3 days later. :) 

We have a wedding Saturday in Cumberland, Wisconsin... which should be a good time. As a girl with my own wedding impending, I'll be sure to pay more attention to the details AND take lots of pics for you fine people!



  1. FUN. I have been near many a zorbaz, but have yet to stop in!

  2. Looks like a wonderful weekend! I am seriously lacking on boat time this summer :(

    Tailgating Saturday?!

  3. I've never been to Zorbaz either! You aren't alone. Do you know where the closest one is to the cities?
